According to Apple, they have taken this step to avoid battery problems. However, iPhone users all over the world felt it hard to digest the news. In return, the company has issued a lengthy letter of apology to its customers in which it claims that there has been some “misunderstanding about the issue” Now it looks like Apple’s criticized practice is dragging down others as well. Recently, Italian government launched a probe that also involves another major smartphone manufacturer, Samsung. Italy’s anti-trust body announced that they are looking into possible planned obsolescence on devices that are manufactured by Apple and Samsung. The anti-trust body claims that the manufacturers haven’t informed about the performance impact before delivering the software updates. With this, manufacturers are forcing people to purchase new-generation models when a simple battery replacement would fix out the issue. The announcement reads “As a result of consumer reports and pre-trial activity carried out by the Authority, the Authority decided to initiate two separate proceedings for unfair commercial practices against the companies of the Samsung group and the Apple group operating in Italy” Right now there are no specific details on why Samsung has been involved in the lawsuit. However, if both the companies were found guilty, the could be fined millions of dollars. However, it’s worth to note that Samsung has stated that they don’t use Apple’s tactics to slow down older devices as it employs different methods to manage battery issues. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.