Saturn is a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) that provides users with everything they need to launch attacks without the need for great computer skills. Unlike other RaaS that can be purchased on the Dark Web, Saturn is completely free to access. What applicants have to do is sign up for the affiliate program on the portal that the creators have launched, and once their application is approved they receive the necessary instructions to start distributing the ransomware. What distributors have to do is inject ransomware into executable files, Office or PDF documents, among other types of files, and launch spam attacks or malicious advertising campaigns. Its objective is to infect the maximum possible number of victims and get them to pay the ransom since they will receive most of the benefits. According to the researchers’ report, in case someone pays to recover their encrypted files, the distributor will receive 70% of the money, while the remaining 30% will be for the creator or creators of the ransomware. The price of the rescue is specified by each distributor, so it may vary depending on the person who launched the campaign. This model to spread ransomware is very dangerous, since anyone can become a distributor and get money quickly, easily and without having to make an initial investment. For our safety, we hope it does not become a habitual trend. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


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